Developer Guide
API documentation
Ryoshi supports JSON-RPC methods that are compatible with Ethereum, and zkEVM RPC methods for zkEVM.
Ethereum compatible RPC
Here you will find the list of all supported JSON RPC endpoints and the differences between them in comparison to the default behavior of an Ethereum node. If a specific endpoint is not in the list below, it means that this specific endpoint is not supported yet. You can find more details in Ethereum's JSON-RPC doc.
Method | Namespace | Notes |
| Web3 | Get the Web3 client version |
| Web3 | Returns keccak-256 (not the standardized SHA3-256) of the given data |
| Net | Returns the current network ID |
| ETH | Response is always 'zero' |
| ETH | Returns an object with data about the sync status or false |
| ETH | Returns the current Gas price |
| ETH | Returns the current block height |
| ETH | Returns the chain's identifier in hex format |
| ETH | Returns the account balance for a given account address and block number |
| ETH | Returns the storage address for a given account address |
| ETH | Returns the total transaction for a given account address and block number |
| ETH | Returns the total transaction count for a given block number |
| ETH | Returns the total transaction count for a given block hash |
| ETH | Returns the code for a given account address and block number |
| ETH | The sign method calculates an Ethereum specific signature |
| ETH | Sends transaction from given account to a given account |
| ETH | Creates a new message call transaction or a contract creation for signed transactions |
| ETH | Executes a new message call immediately without creating a transaction on the blockchain |
| ETH | Returns an estimated value of the Gas required to send the transaction |
| ETH | Returns information about a block by block number |
| ETH | Returns the block info given the hash found in the command above and a bool |
| ETH | Returns transaction details from a transaction hash |
| ETH | Returns transaction details given the block hash and the transaction index |
| ETH | Returns the receipt of a transaction by transaction hash |
| ETH | Creates a new filter using topics of some kind |
| ETH | Creates a filter in the node, to notify when a new block arrives |
| ETH | Removes the filter with the given filter ID |
| ETH | Polling method for a filter, which returns an array of logs which occurred since the last poll |
| ETH | Returns an array of all logs matching a given filter object |
| ETH | Returns an array of all logs matching filters with the given ID |
| ETH | Returns transaction details by block height and block index |
| ETH | Response is always empty |
| ETH | Response is always empty |
| ETH | Response is always empty |
| ETH | Response is always empty |
| ETH | Response is always empty |
| WebSocket | Subscribe using JSON-RPC notifications |
| WebSocket | Unsubscribe from an event using the subscription ID |
| Debug | Returns the possible tracing result number by executing all transactions in the block specified by the block hash with a tracer |
| Debug | Returns the tracing result by executing all transactions in the block specified by number with a tracer (trace mode required) |
| Debug | Returns all traces of a given transaction |
| Txpool | Response is always empty |
You can use the following RPC methods to execute specific zkEVM functionalities:
Method | Summary |
| Returns the latest batch number |
| Returns the batch number connected to the block |
| Returns the latest block number connected to the latest verified batch |
| Gets a batch for a given number |
| Returns 'true' if the provided block number is already connected to a batch that was virtualized, otherwise false |
| Returns true if the provided block number is already connected to a batch that was verified, otherwise false |
| Returns the latest virtual batch number |
| Returns the latest verified batch number |
Last updated