Features and Benefits

Key features of the Layer 2 solution

  1. Modularity and sovereignty

    CDK offers a modular environment for ZK-powered L2 chain design. Developers can customize chains according to their needs.

  2. Scalability

    Ryoshi L2 enhances transaction speed and can be multiplied to achieve an elastically scalable ecosystem.

  3. Independent data availability

    With a dedicated data availability layer and a data availability committee, Ryoshi L2 provides robust off-chain data access and reliability. This structure, independent of Ethereum, ensures substantial data resilience and integrity.

  4. Interoperability (forthcoming)

    Through an in-development interop layer, CDK-developed chains can be seamlessly interoperable, meaning atomic L2 <> L2 transactions. Ryoshi L2 will have the opportunity to opt-in to the interop layer and tap unified liquidity.

  5. Near-instant finality

    Ryoshi L2 relies on cryptographic security, ensuring transaction integrity without the need of full nodes. This approach guarantees near-instant finality and robust security.

  6. Extensive Web3 support

    Ryoshi L2 leverages a comprehensive ecosystem with premium service providers offering essential tools for application integration, development, and deployment.

Advantages over existing solutions

  1. As Polygon CDK offers a suite of tools, libraries, and documentation to streamline the development, testing, and deployment processes of DApps, this allows developers to build their applications more quickly and deploy them more easily on Ryoshi.

  2. Ryoshi L2 is compatible with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), which means developers can use familiar Solidity language and tools to build smart contracts and decentralized applications (DApps) without needing to learn new programming languages or tools.

  3. Ryoshi implements Gas token abstraction, this Layer 2 has customized Gas token.

Last updated